Structure demands behavior from everyone in everything! The principle of structure is extremely powerful and impacts you physically and mentally. But what is structure? Don't worry; structure is very practical and helpful once you learn more about it.
Winston Churchill said, "We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us." That tells you about the power of structure - structure demands behavior!
The information here is part of what you can learn under Robert Fritz. Purchase his books to capture all of his excellent insight. This information is not comprehensive, but it is enough to help you understand how structure works in your life and in the THP Charts that we use.
We adapted Robert's principle about structure and stated it this way…
Structure demands behavior
Path of Least Resistance
Structure demands behavior because it creates the “path of least resistance.”
Colloquially, this phrase means the easy way out. But what we mean is that energy moves where it is easiest for it to go. - Robert Fritz
It is easiest to understand structure when you apply it to something you can see. For example, the structure of a room creates a path of least resistance to how you enter that room. The structure of a car determines how you will interact with it. The steering wheel and pedals demand you sit in or close to the driver’s seat to drive. Your shoes demand that you put the right one on the right foot and the left one on the left foot; otherwise, it will be uncomfortable. Even how you sit in your chair is determined by how it is made.
All of those examples illustrate the power of structure and the path of least resistance.
The path of least resistance is created because of structure. Here is an easy way to use the power of structure - THP!
- THERE: where you want to be or go
- HERE: where you are now
- PATH: steps or actions to get from HERE to THERE
The path of least resistance forms only when THERE and HERE are clear. In my life and work with people and organizations, THERE is often unclear, and HERE is vague, and you end up with a path of uncoordinated actions, very busy, because THERE and HERE aren’t clear.
If you think about it, the lack of clarity about THERE and HERE demands a PATH of uncoordinated and unfocused actions.
Consider driving a car as a simple example of what happens with the THP structure.
- THERE – you want to drive a car.
- HERE – you have a car, its keys, and a valid driver’s license.
- PATH – unlock the car, open the driver’s door, sit in the driver’s seat, and start the car.

The PATH would be different if either THERE or HERE were changed. If you weren’t focused on THERE – driving a car – you do not need a path of actions leading to do that. But, if you want to drive the car (THERE) and do not have a car or keys, your HERE has changed, altering the types of actions you will take. Consider those times when you can’t find the keys; the PATH starts with finding the keys. When you clearly define your HERE (your current reality, where you are), it will determine different actions to take.
When THERE and HERE are clear, energy is created. It is like some external force starts pulling you toward the end result (THERE).
Where You Look...
Additionally, this simple principle is critical to the path of least resistance:
Where you look, you tend to go
That applies to walking, driving, riding, goals, and practically anything where you want to get some results. When I walk, it is easier to look at the path in front of me instead of something to the side, right?
When driving, the same is true. I had the privilege of driving a high-performance car on a race track with a professional driver sitting in the passenger seat. They set up orange traffic cones on the turn to help you focus on where you wanted to end up rather than keeping your eyes directly on the road in front of the car. The professional driver even made a statement similar to the principle stated above. They also use another statement when driving on oval tracks, "Don't look at the wall!" Why? Because that is where you will end up! "See the wall, be the wall!"
Louie rides horses and learned from her instructors that where you look changes your body position, which influences the horse and your actions. When you look at where you want to go, it helps integrate where you are with where you want to be, creating the path to get there.
You influence your current and future actions by having a clear THERE in view.
Most Powerful Structures
It is easy to picture physical structures, but the most powerful structures are in your mind. Those structures demand and determine your behavior. If you break a hole in the wall of a room to get into it when there is an open door, you most likely will need to override the structure of your values first. So, since you probably do not value tearing up property just to enter a different way, you will enter through the door.
That illustrates the power of mental structures. Unfortunately, ignoring good thinking and good values creates different actions and behaviors, right? The physical structures around you demand behavior, but not as much as your thoughts, beliefs, values, and convictions!
Finally, consider this: What type of inappropriate behavior are your thoughts creating? When you align your thoughts with God's Word, that demands not only appropriate behavior but also righteous behavior. Why? Because structure demands behavior, and God's Word provides a perfect structure for becoming like our perfect Savior, Jesus Christ!