Real men are powerful because they are clear about what really matters. It is self-control and being sound in faith that make them powerful. Please notice that does not say ...
Are you a man who is easy to respect? Are you respectable due to the quality of your character and life? Does your life show it?If true, you want what ...
REAL men don't love because someone deserves it. Real men are lovers because that is how God is. And it does not depend on how their actions. No matter how ...
REAL men aren't "Flashing their ME", they are selfless as they display the image of God (Powerful and Relational). The traits of a REAL man demonstrate that in spite of ...
Culture is drowning in confusion about men and women. What is a REAL man or REAL woman? Real men are rare, and so are real women. Satan has no desire ...
Like a knife and fork are designed differently for different purposes, God did the same with men and women. Male and female hormones matter!But, the world has no desire to ...
The term "bar ditch" is generally known in rural areas in the south. The common explanation of "bar ditch" involves creating drainage for a rural road. Dirt was taken from ...
A man said, "That design of men and women is interesting, but as a man, I don't fit the design you are talking about. I am more like the woman's ...
Your relationships will be distorted and dysfunctional when the image of God is distorted. Men's testosterone puts a focus on power for men and women's estrogen-progesterone focus on relating. Of ...
Women are an absolutely stunning creation and blessing from God. I can identify with Adam's pleasure when he first saw Eve. That is a common feeling when I look at ...