Is the Image of God easily and simply stated as "Powerful and Relational?" If that theory has merit, it will be supported by God’s Word. That is the best source to ...
Stating we are god-like can be misleading. We are created in the image of God which is the foundation for men's and women's designs. When you see the image of God ...
The image of God, hormones, and God's attributes don't seem to go together. But, there is a connection; the last two help us understand the first. Then God said, “Let us ...
In the previous episode, you heard about truth and love, separate and belonging, and powerful and relational. Each of those combinations of words are an excellent way to think about ...
I believe the unifying theory of life is understanding the image of God and how it applies to all aspects of life, especially relationships. When you think about God and ...
If the idea that the image of God can be described as Powerful and Relational or Separate and Belonging, then we should be able to support that in other places ...
Powerful and relational scriptures demonstrate the image of God, which is far more critical to our everyday lives than you may think. The simplest way to consider the image of ...
Since man and woman are designed to be complementary to each other, reflecting the image of God, then what is the image of God? You will learn that the image ...
God made men and women different by design, not by their decision. And those design differences are the foundation for a complimentary relationship. But Satan uses the differences to create ...
Reflecting and distorting God's image is an everyday occurrence for mankind. And Satan wants you to be distorting God's image. Since Satan is the author of confusion, what would he ...