Be careful, if you promote individual rights without humility and, especially without love. When you do, you encourage irresponsible freedom. Your “flashing ME” will always see your rights as more ...
Believe it or not, parents influence who their children marry. Parents help shape their thinking about potential mates. When you raise a child, you help shape their thoughts about relationships ...
Healthy family relationships pay attention to the principle of "Fond or Favor." It is a way to help the family system stay healthy. It helps the family system get on ...
Parents and children are an amazing combination God uses to grow both. Unfortunately, it is easy for parents to do their roles incorrectlyTwo Gifts We Give Our ChildrenAn ancient Jewish ...
Would God approve of children blaming their parents for how they developed or the decisions the children made? Would God approve of parents complaining about how their children turned out?Family ...
Family systems are the building blocks of a society and culture. Pay attention to God's instructions for the health of your family.God’s Warning to FathersThis scripture may include the mother, ...
The damage to relationships and marriages is significant now, but was it worse in the days that the Apostle Paul lived?Most people have a significant misconception about marriage in Jesus’ ...
Paul's list of bad behaviors in 2 Timothy 3 starts with “men will be lovers of self," then ends it “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.”The list speaks ...
Since you don't know about the circles, you can only guess the answer to the question: which circle are you living in? The Left Circle is the most common, and ...
Man's judgment focuses his attention on work and activities, leading him to abdicate leadership in the home and try to control his work. Most of what we said about the ...