Women are an absolutely stunning creation and blessing from God. I can identify with Adam's pleasure when he first saw Eve. That is a common feeling when I look at ...
Most people would state that order and harmony would be good for a relationship. We believe that! Order and harmony will be part of any great relationship. But, how to ...
If you numbered the items in the 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 list, items 3 - 10 could be placed under long-suffering or patient. Each is negatively stated and uses "does not" ...
The common pattern everyone experiences has three simple steps and it sounds like this: “I was living this way. Then one day THIS happened. Now I live my life differently.” ...
God’s love, REAL LOVE, is unlike what the world calls love. You could spend your entire life unpacking the biblical definition of love provided in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. While you ...
A popular saying is "fake it till you make it". When you decide to have good thinking and act on that good thinking, often your emotions aren't supporting you. So, ...
Some people aren't interested in getting to a solution or finding a way to get along - they say, "Just let me be mad!" Is that okay? Not if they ...
If you want to learn how to have better relationships, here are a few excellent tools for change in yourself and when talking with others. Slow Your Thinking (Emotions) DownMost situations ...
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs (1648) is a must-read book. I find it from time to time on Amazon. One of the great benefits of the book ...
Do you have a favorite scary movie? Maybe the classic movie "Pyscho". Mine is the original "Alien" and even though it is my favorite, it's difficult to watch, because it ...