Fear is powerful. But, it can be imaginary fear. Control people often can't see the difference. If you are a control person, please learn to ask, "Is my fear real ...
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Think about these 3 words – Excelling in Generosity. I wish I had an easy way to research how rare that combination of those 3 words is! I stand here ...
Responsible freedom is what people with great values pursue. And there is a direct relationship between responsible freedom and self-governance.Our Freedom V tool helps explain freedom, self-governance, rules or boundaries, ...
You can change an obligation to a choice. Any event in life can become tiresome or a burden if you do not think clearly. Consider an athlete in training or a ...
Most people look for vengeance rather than forgiveness. When you understand that forgiveness frees you from pain, you pay more attention. Those past actions control your thoughts daily if you ...
This is a challenging statement to believe. Accepting someone is not approving their behavior, actions, or lifestyle. When you do not understand the difference, you only look at their behavior ...
Too many people experience holiday stress instead of holiday joy and peace. Unfortunately, it happens during a time that could be much better for everyone. Hopefully, gathering for the holidays ...
What if they continue with their wrong values and destructive behavior? It is tough not to worry when you believe they will never change. So, you continue to worry and ...
Your desires or wants fit into 3 categories, and too often, they are in the wrong category. In fact, Adam and Eve's desires were in the wrong category when they ...
Do you believe that people are free to act however they want? You will not answer that question correctly unless you understand freedom. Hopefully, as you learn the material in GR8 Relationships, ...
Love solves THE PROBLEM in any relationship. Unfortunately, agreeing with that statement without understanding what I said is easy. Most often, people think the solution for a relationship is when the ...
Love is THE solution to all relationship problems. In fact, love will solve THE PROBLEM for all relationships. And, if you read or watch any of the GR8 Relationships material, ...
When in relationship pain, your thoughts can be, "Is divorce the answer to my pain?" That question implies uncertainty about God's desire and PERFECTION! Trying to get out of pain ...
Great relationships are probable when both parties have a similar, trustworthy, and valid definition of a great relationship. They must also consistently practice this definition. Robert Fritz states that the math ...
What if I am being abused? What if I am told to participate in something illegal? Is submission best when it results in me sinning? What if they are... (gambling, ...
Responsible freedom knows others have their own choices. So, you limit your freedom because love pursues the best for others. Each time you sacrifice some of your time, money, or ...
Be careful, if you promote individual rights without humility and, especially without love. When you do, you encourage irresponsible freedom. Your “flashing ME” will always see your rights as more ...
The world, especially western culture, is drowning in gender confusion. What is a REAL man or REAL woman? How would you teach that to a child or anyone searching for ...
When you think about yourself (thoughts about ME), you tend to be self-absorbed - and that is seldom something good for you. I speculate that 95% or more of the ...
Freedom is great! It is one of the highest and dearest principles for life and relationships. It is also similar to grace in some respects. Yet, it is not the ...