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Would God approve of children blaming their parents for how they developed or the decisions the children made? Would God approve of parents complaining about how their children turned out?Family SystemsDr. Marline Howe said, “When stress hits the system, family pathology will override theology unless you’re deeply committed to objective truth.” That means what feels normal


Family systems are the building blocks of a society and culture. Pay attention to God’s instructions for the health of your family.God’s Warning to FathersThis scripture may include the mother, but it speaks explicitly to fathers. Since it speaks directly to fathers, you see the role of leadership that God expects from fathers because that


The damage to relationships and marriages is significant now, but was it worse in the days that the Apostle Paul lived? Most people have a significant misconception about marriage in Jesus’ and Paul’s time. After you see this video, you will know because you will learn how the Jews, Greeks, and Romans viewed marriage. It may


It is difficult to confess to another person about how you hurt them, so here are some guidelines and tools when confessing. Here are three excellent resources to help you follow through with confessing to someone you hurt.Six Guidelines When Confessing to Others Meeting Guidelines (with scriptures) The 4 A’s of Apology The Six Guidelines are Right Attitude,


Dealing with real guilt is a gift from God that will turn you from further sin and consequences. God uses real guilt to help you repent and experience His forgiveness. It is a marvelous gift from a loving, PERFECT Father God to check your course and change your path.When speaking about false guilt, there were


False guilt is a powerful tool Satan uses on us, so what is the process for dealing with false guilt? Where does false guilt originate?Bad ThinkingFalse guilt originates primarily from lousy thinking. That wrong thinking demands terrible feelings and often leads to evil actions. You may be experiencing thoughts like, “I have a huge feeling


It is essential to know what forgiveness is, but perhaps more critical is understanding what forgiveness is NOT.Not Pardoning Forgiveness does not remove natural or legal consequences. It certainly can lessen those consequences in many situations, but it does not deal with the justice that may be required. Typically, justice is outside our control, so God


It is essential to understand forgiveness, but it is critical to go beyond that to applying and verifying forgiveness.Step 5: Apply Your Decision (Change the Dressing Regularly)Consider the scars on your body. They are memorials to healing! There are some significant scars on my body from a skiing accident, a near-death experience, and two back operations.


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