Titus 2 verses 1-2 and 6-8 clearly tell us about the nine attributes of a REAL Man. Those verses tell us that REAL men are WIMPS because they Walk In Mercy and Power Selflessly (W.I.M.P.S.).
Overall, a REAL man is -
- Merciful - sound in love, sound in patience, easy to respect
- Powerful - self-controlled, clear-minded, sound in faith
- Godly examples - good example, sound in speech, sound in doctrine

...that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience... - Titus 2:2
All nine attributes of a real man display how a man can act like God. The following three are not often linked to man's design, requiring him to depend on God to produce these attributes through him.
REAL Men Are Merciful
Sound in Love - REAL men are WIMPS when they are examples of the definition of love - pursuing the best for others patiently, kindly, sacrificially, and unconditionally. The seven elements of a Sound Love were provided in REAL Men Are Rare and REAL Lovers. It takes a REAL man to live that definition!
Sound in Patience - This trait is not appreciated today but is a grace that provides lasting endurance in difficulties and trials. It also references endurance in the later years when it is so easy to retire and "slide for home." Older men need to mentor and help younger men grow through the knowledge that God has provided them.
Easy to Respect - REAL men are WIMPS because they are easy to respect. That describes them as noble, of good character, taking no delight in inappropriate things, and demonstrating purity and integrity in living. Those are all great things, but the most critical aspect is REAL men give a gift to their wives when they are easy to respect. Why? God asks a wife to display unconditional respect for her husband. Consider your life, men. Are you giving a gift to your wife or making it harder on her?
REAL Men Are Powerful
The second three of the nine attributes of a real man align more easily with the powerful design of a man.
Clear-Minded (Sober) - REAL men are clear on what matters, have Godly priorities, are wise in decision-making, are careful in judgments, and their motto for life is simple: "Trust and glorify God."
Self-Controlled (Temperate) - This attribute is crucial for both men and women. Passions are under control; the self is being controlled. Remember where self-control comes from. Not from you! It is a fruit of the spirit. Not walking with the Lord implies a lack of self-control in your life. This will impact your ability to control your passions or emotions. Review the chapter "Freedom from Being Emotion LED" to see how a lack of self-control leads to a life of following poor thinking, resulting in bad feelings and actions. REAL men are engaged in the battle for their minds, choosing to renew their minds to the truth.
Sound in Faith - A faith and confidence in the Lord, not yourself, a faith rooted in a daily walk with the Lord, and a faith based on knowledge of the Word - Jesus Christ our Lord.
REAL Men Are Godly Examples
Finally, the last three of the nine attributes of a real man are extremely practical.
Good Example - REAL men are WIMPS when they demonstrate a pattern or example of good things, a type or pattern to follow. Older men have an opportunity to be someone younger men would aspire to be like, not in what they own, but in what they exhibit in their attitude and lifestyle.
Sound Speech - Clear and sound speech comes from a clear mind and heart. When REAL men are sound in their speech, it implies the inside of the man is showing up in his words and actions.
Sound Doctrine - You cannot be a good example without knowing the difference between sound and false teaching. Whether young or old, REAL men study God's Word, THE source of truth and life and everything we need for life and godliness.
What is "sound doctrine?" Check this blog out to see!
So, REAL men "Walk In Mercy and Power Selflessly" (WIMPS) and display all nine attributes of a real man.