Equal in Value, Different in Design and Role

Men and women are equal in value but different in their designs and roles. When you don't understand that reality, your relationships struggle. God has designed man and woman to be different but not unequal in value and worth.

Too many fights and disagreements focus on whether a man or woman is superior or more valuable than the other. God's design for men and women makes them complementary to each other. Of course, when you do not care about God's design, struggles between men and women occur. On the other hand, if you would rather have peace between men and women, accept God's design as accurate.

Equal in Value, Different in Design and Role

"...male and female He created them." - Genesis 1:27

Myth or Reality

When you look at the Bible through the world’s eyes, Genesis is a fable or myth, maybe an interesting story. But the reality is that Genesis is critical to understanding the fundamental elements of life and is ESSENTIAL for relationships and marriage. For example, in Genesis chapters 1-3, you find the...

  • designs of men and women
  • foundation of the designs
  • contract for marriage
  • sin in the garden that occurred in the context of reversed marriage roles
  • judgments facing men and women
  • reason relationships are painful for women
  • reason work is painful for men
  • causes of the struggle in marriage and relationships
  • …and more

Additionally, Genesis 1:26-28 is the Theological Center of the Bible. Dr. Roy Zuck says the central message of the Bible is there: “…man as the image of God was created to represent God Himself as the sovereign over all creation…and reign in a manner that demonstrates his lordship, his domination (by force if necessary) over all creation.” Salvation, therefore, is needed to reestablish that purpose since Satan is now the ruler of this world. Click to hear and see more.

Man's Design

God designed man to fill a need in the garden. Genesis 2:5 says, “…there was no man to till the ground…” and Genesis 2:15 states, “…God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” Click to hear and see more.

Those facts are essential when you consider the theme of the words “till,” “tend,” and “keep.” The theme is WORK with an element of guarding and protecting. But the story of man’s design does not end there because God says in Genesis 2:18, “it is not good that man should be alone.” It's critical to know that Adam did not make that statement as many imply, especially in marriage ceremonies.

So, man's design is all about work and activities; remember, he needs a suitable companion to complement his design.

Woman's Design

Then, God made woman. God designed woman to fill a need in man. Man needs woman, but his focus on work and activities often masks that need. I identify with Adam because I usually do not realize my aloneness, so God steps in for Adam to create Eve. He reminds me of my need for my wife, Louie.

Genesis 2:18 says, “…it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Woman's design is about RELATING. Man needs a suitable companion, of like kind, but more importantly, he needs a “helper.” Unfortunately, that word is misunderstood and interpreted as inferior, like a slave. Click to hear and see more.

First, that's illogical; you need help when you can not do something alone. More importantly, the Hebrew word in that passage is “ezer,” a term used of God, particularly in Psalms. And, remember that Jesus says that the Holy Spirit is our Helper – John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send to you….” Women, when God says you are a “helper,” that is an elevated term often used of Himself.

But, discussions about men and women will devolve into proving the superiority of one versus the other. Click to hear and see more. God’s view has nothing to do with the worth or value of each; both are equally valuable. God is interested in men and women doing the role and function He designed for them. Remember...

Equal in Value, Different in Design and Role

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