Whenever you feel obligated, you limit your choices. If you pay attention to what you say, you will start noticing your use of three words – should, ought, and must. ...
When responsible with your freedom, you see others as having their own choices. It does not mean you like or even put up with those choices, but you know the ...
As simple as it sounds, freedom used correctly is a radically different way to live. Unless you accept the reality of freedom and choice, you will usually react to and ...
Sharing the truth with another person who needs to hear it is scary for most people. If you have a structure to follow, it will help immensely. The structure we ...
Catalytic conversations are a way to show someone that you love them. Unfortunately, they may not think or feel your love. People seldom associate love with sharing the truth, despite ...
Our society emphasizes self-love and self-esteem. It is one of the most common concepts that self-help material and psychology use. Even beyond those areas, self-love and self-esteem are key foundations ...
When you live in freedom, you know that seeking acceptance from others is a big obstacle and hinders your freedom. So, where are you seeking acceptance and praise? Who do ...
Good thinking helps us eliminate the bad part of a common pattern everyone experiences in life. This pattern occurs over and over with the outcome of each occurrence leading either ...
Good thinking helps you eliminate the bad part of a common pattern everyone experiences. All your changes follow the common pattern, even though it may be hard to believe right ...
Emotions are often untrustworthy and always responders. When you want someone to validate your emotions, it can be very unproductive because it does not get to the root issue: your ...