When we look at before and after the fall of Adam and Eve, it starkly contrasts what sin did to Adam and Eve, in other words, us! Everyone and God's creation ...
Adam's role in the original sin in the Garden of Eden is downplayed as if he were an innocent bystander. Let's see if that fits God's Word. Unfortunately, Eve gets ...
Men and women are equal in value but different in their designs and roles. When you don't understand that reality, your relationships struggle. God has designed man and woman to ...
Eve's role in the original sin in the Garden of Eden is well known. Unfortunately, Eve gets most of the blame, but Adam is more at fault. The PROBLEM came from ...
God's Word clearly esteems mothers and women who focus their attention on the home. This does not mean that a women who works outside the is displeasing God. The issue ...
Let's examine the context and Satan's role in the original sin. The PROBLEM came from the original sin in the Garden of Eden.Four beings were eyewitnesses to that original sin ...
This is the same thing God desires of older men. Why does God want this from the older believers (in age or spiritual maturity)? Because it is linked to verse ...
The power of a REAL woman is significant, but that power does not come from being beautiful and sexy. REAL women help. The world wants women to focus on the ...
Real women are rare and do not accept the world's messages to them. Powerful is a key message and is displayed in two forms—1) Powerful and Sexy or 2) Powerful, ...
Real men are powerful because they are clear about what really matters. It is self-control and being sound in faith that make them powerful. Please notice that does not say ...