You can quickly turn good promises, goals, and commitments into obligations. And, be careful because obligation encourages rebellion. For example, when you think you have no freedom and choice, it ...
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Everyone controls in some way. Control issues are a way of life for us, and unfortunately, a controlling person does not believe they are controlling anyone.Controlling People QuotesThe Dictator's mantra ...
You distort reality with your assumptions, opinions, and guesses. Opinions hurt relationships because you guess what is happening rather than ask for facts. In fact, you create a story about ...
There is a built-in path of least resistance to behaving badly! In fact, mankind's pattern of behaving badly was well stated by Pascal.The doctrine of original sin seems an offense ...
If you want to help someone forgive, use the "Can you - will you - when" technique. It establishes their ability to forgive, then whether they will forgive. It is ...
God wants older men and older women to be examples and help the younger men and women grow in their walk with Him. REAL Older women are "reverent in behavior," ...
Even though the past is OVER, the conflict cycle remains active. In fact, it often helps you resurrect the past! You disagree, then think about past issues with this person ...
There is nothing simple about a blended family structure or the effort that will be needed to make the structure work well. The very nature of blended families creates problems. ...
People Say Suppose a person goes through one or more divorces. But now they are growing in the Lord and learning about marriage and relationships. So, it is no surprise ...
Just Get Out When you live with relationship pain, you often think "give me some relief!" But, God wants you to embrace the pain and trust His complete PERFECTION! Trying ...
God made men and women different by design, not by their decision. And those design differences are the foundation for a complimentary relationship. But Satan uses the differences to create ...
The painful problem for men is primarily unknown. It is not a secret or hidden, but men and women don't know about it. It is part of God's curses or judgments ...
The painful problem for women is primarily unknown. This problem for women isn't a secret, and it's not hidden, but men and women don't know about it. It is part ...
REAL men are Godly examples practicing sound doctrine and sound speech. You can find these excellent attributes in Titus 2:1-8.REAL Men Are Godly ExamplesAddressing Titus as a younger man, Paul ...
A blended family is a common situation in society, but there are unique and complex difficulties in that type of family system. The book Old Loyalties, New Ties by Emily ...
Culture is against REAL men and women. Much of the world, especially Western culture, is drowning in male and female confusion. What is a REAL man or REAL woman? How ...
What happens to your relationships when you act like a BABY? Well, that is what we call the PROBLEM in every relationship. In fact, the PROBLEM creates unnecessary but inevitable ...
When looking at the basics of God's Word, God outlines two choices for everyone. That means He says there are only two ways to live! Either you pursue a life that ...
You might say, “God doesn’t provide details in His Word about the specific actions in my life, so how can I know if an action pleases God?” Or a similar ...
Men and women are equal in value but different in their designs and roles. When you don't understand that reality, your relationships struggle. God has designed man and woman to ...