Submission Is Misunderstood

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Most people would state that order and harmony would be good for a relationship. We believe that! Order and harmony will be part of any great relationship. But, how to help that happen becomes an issue because you will often try to make it happen using the PROBLEM. That obviously will not work. The best way to create order and harmony in a relationship is through two misunderstood and misapplied capacities - leadership and submission. Submission is the least understood because the word is inadequately defined. The lousy definition creates an improper approach and use.

Additionally, submission is often considered only for women, especially in marriage. But submission is required for everyone! It makes no sense for a man to talk about submission when he does not know what it means and, more importantly, when he is not practicing it in his life. Practiced God's way, submission provides protection.


authority and submission, mutual submission, order and harmony, protection and submission, submission aids harmony, Submission is voluntary, submission maintains order, TV0064, what is submission

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