REAL men don't love because someone deserves it. Real men are lovers because that is how God is. And it does not depend on how their actions. No matter how ...
It is difficult to accept that the big PROBLEM for relationships, any relationship, is making everything about yourself. That goes against the way that human beings are wired - the ...
Think about these 3 words – Excelling in Generosity. I wish I had an easy way to research how rare that combination of those 3 words is! I stand here ...
REAL men aren't "Flashing their ME", they are selfless as they display the image of God (Powerful and Relational). The traits of a REAL man demonstrate that in spite of ...
It is difficult to accept that the PROBLEM for any of your relationships is making everything about you. That goes against the way that human beings are wired - the ...
Responsible freedom is what people with great values pursue. And there is a direct relationship between responsible freedom and self-governance.Our Freedom V tool helps explain freedom, self-governance, rules or boundaries, ...
Culture is drowning in confusion about men and women. What is a REAL man or REAL woman? Real men are rare, and so are real women. Satan has no desire ...
The simplest tool is "Slow your emotions down." That only requires counting to 10, taking 3 deep breaths, or calling a timeout. That tool was probably taught to you as ...
Like a knife and fork are designed differently for different purposes, God did the same with men and women. Male and female hormones matter!But, the world has no desire to ...
A simple, common pattern of life change occurs multiple times in our lives. Unfortunately, each occurrence may not turn out well.Once you know that your thinking drives your actions and ...