Do you realize that you can know if you are doing what is good or bad because life is black and white, right or wrong for everyone? You might say, ...

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It's one or the other! If you are sensitive at all to the Holy Spirit, you will know which. AND, my speculation is 95% or more of the time, thoughts ...

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What we DO NOT DO has a profound impact on what happens. Consider what each of the four primary characters DID and DIDN'T DO at the time of the original ...

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You may not know that marriage problems started in the Garden. The same issues that happened there occur daily in marriages now. You want to pay attention to the first ...

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Go to the self-help section of a bookstore and you will find books promoting the "Actor" mistake. You will find authors stating, “If you want to win their heart you ...

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When you make the Dictator mistake you may be blatantly trying to do things your way or you are a "good person up to no good". The second approach is ...

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Observe and describe this picture. Try it before reading further. Almost all people tell a story about the picture rather than observing and describing it. “A man is getting ready ...

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