Do you have a favorite scary movie? Maybe the classic movie "Pyscho". Mine is the original "Alien" and even though it is my favorite, it's difficult to watch, because it ...
The Freedom V is an excellent tool and principle because it helps you grasp the relationship between freedom and self-governance. The Freedom V graphic is largely self-explanatory. The two most ...
Would God approve of children blaming their parents for how they developed or the decisions the children made? Would God approve of parents complaining about how their children turned out?Family ...
Family systems are the building blocks of a society and culture. Pay attention to God's instructions for the health of your family.God’s Warning to FathersThis scripture may include the mother, ...
Go back with me to the Garden of Eden. Remember when God told Adam that he was free to choose the fruit from all but one tree of the Garden. ...
Judging other people is so easy, isn't it? All it takes is to look around at all of the "other sinners" and start our judgmental engine. And, what is best ...
When you operate with freedom toward others, you do not judge them. You can be disappointed with their behavior, but you recognize that any change they make will not last ...
It is difficult to confess to another person about how you hurt them, so here are some guidelines and tools when confessing. Here are three excellent resources to help you ...
Real guilt is a gift from God that will turn you from further sin and consequences. God uses real guilt to bring you to repentance and experience His forgiveness. It ...
False guilt is a powerful tool Satan uses on us, so what is the process for dealing with false guilt? Where does false guilt originate?Bad ThinkingFalse guilt originates primarily from ...