Leadership may not be that interesting to you right now, but remember, everyone leads in some area of their life. Since that is true, consider how to apply these promises ...

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Leadership is not what you might think it is. Most people have the stereo-type of leaders needing to be "large and in charge". While some good leaders are that way, ...

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Difficult conversations work best using the structure provided in God's Word. It may change someone's life. More importantly, you are doing the right thing. These difficult conversations are better titled ...

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Responsible freedom is what people with great values pursue. And there is a direct relationship between responsible freedom and self-governance.Our Freedom V tool helps explain freedom, self-governance, rules or boundaries, ...

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God asks leaders to use His authority correctly by freeing people and being gentle. Doing those two things will result in leading correctly. As a reminder, leadership is misunderstood. All ...

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...by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you—I, Paul, who am ‘timid’ when face to face with you, but ‘bold’ when away! I beg you that when ...

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