Can submission be understood using the image of God? Yes, submission is about order and harmony, which fits our view of the image of God. As you may remember, we ...
Responsible freedom knows others have their own choices. So, you limit your freedom because love pursues the best for others. Each time you sacrifice some of your time, money, or ...
Most people would state that order and harmony would be good for a relationship. We believe that! Order and harmony will be part of any great relationship. But, how to ...
Be careful, if you promote individual rights without humility and, especially without love. When you do, you encourage irresponsible freedom. Your “flashing ME” will always see your rights as more ...
The world, especially western culture, is drowning in gender confusion. What is a REAL man or REAL woman? How would you teach that to a child or anyone searching for ...
The Proverbs 31 woman is considered an excellent example of a godly woman, wife, and mother. Some believe this was not a real woman. Whether real or not, the statements ...
Go back with me to the Garden of Eden. Remember when God told Adam that he was free to choose the fruit from all but one tree of the Garden. ...
While many control people are bad, my speculation is control people often have good intentions – they are usually GOOD PEOPLE UP TO NO GOOD.I am probably the poster child ...
Paul's list of bad behaviors in 2 Timothy 3 starts with “men will be lovers of self," then ends it “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.”The list speaks ...
Is the Image of God easily and simply stated as "Powerful and Relational?" If that theory has merit, it will be supported by God’s Word. That is the best source to ...