The real love of a husband to his wife has seven different dimensions. Unfortunately, any husband who says that he loves his wife probably doesn't based on what God says ...

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Catalytic conversations are a way to show someone that you love them. Unfortunately, they may not think or feel your love. People seldom associate love with sharing the truth, despite ...

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Real men are respectable. Men, what in your life demonstrates respectability? Are you a person of dignity due to your character? If true, you want what is noble, morally valuable, ...

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REAL men practice patience primarily because they are sound in love. Their love is unconditional, sacrificial, sanctifying/purifying, nourishing, cherishing, singular, and visionary. Those items may be too abstract, so here ...

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There are significant differences between men and women, and those differences are often funny if you do not take it personally. For instance, in one cartoon, a man and woman ...

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Leadership may not be that interesting to you right now, but remember, everyone leads in some area of their life. Since that is true, consider how to apply these promises ...

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