There are four must have relationship tools that help relationships be great; feelings, freedom, forgiveness, and confession. You know the PROBLEM - making everything about ME, and the SOLUTION - ...
When you follow healthy relationship guidelines, you significantly increase the odds of true love and genuine relationships.In a world where relationships seem complicated, self-serving, and fraught with issues, the quest ...
God does not like the proverb about sour grapes. "As I live," says the Lord GOD, "you shall no longer use this proverb in Israel." (Ezekiel 18:3) What is it ...
Before the age of 28, Deborah was divorced three times. She had no idea that failure can lead to success at that time. And, after her third divorce, for the next ...
Right now, someone you know may be doing something bad. There will be a consequence. What would you do when you learn about it? Would you try to change their ...
Understanding conflict, especially internal conflict, is critical because it isn't necessarily negative; it can be a catalyst for change and a tool for personal growth. Let's look at the foundational ...
Forgiveness is indeed a Divine action. That implies that unforgiveness and bitterness are from your sin nature and, ultimately, Satan. Forgiveness is one way you can be like God. Without ...
If you want to help someone forgive, use the "Can you - will you - when" technique. It establishes their ability to forgive, then whether they will forgive. It is ...
Even though the past is OVER, the conflict cycle remains active. In fact, it often helps you resurrect the past! You disagree, then think about past issues with this person ...
Launch Thrive Architect The past cripples relationships, because people do not live in reality about the past. What's the reality? The past is OVER! Even though it's over, it's still ...