If someone asks, "Do you love me?" Are they asking if you are "falling in love" with them or "falling out of love" with them?The term "falling in love" probably ...
The desire to know when you don’t is powerful in all of us. It creates the foundation for opinion, and opinion can be dangerous. For example, Peter Scholtes provides some ...
Feelings and actions can influence each other in both directions. In fact, actions and feelings are connected in both directions. That allows you to use some tools to help you ...
When you think about yourself (thoughts about ME), you tend to be self-absorbed - and that is seldom something good for you. I speculate that 95% or more of the ...
The common pattern everyone experiences has three simple steps and it sounds like this: “I was living this way. Then one day THIS happened. Now I live my life differently.” ...
A popular saying is "fake it till you make it". When you decide to have good thinking and act on that good thinking, often your emotions aren't supporting you. So, ...
Some people aren't interested in getting to a solution or finding a way to get along - they say, "Just let me be mad!" Is that okay? Not if they ...
Do you have a favorite scary movie? Maybe the classic movie "Pyscho". Mine is the original "Alien" and even though it is my favorite, it's difficult to watch, because it ...
Go back with me to the Garden of Eden. Remember when God told Adam that he was free to choose the fruit from all but one tree of the Garden. ...