Men and women are equal in value but different in their designs and roles. When you don't understand that reality, your relationships struggle. God has designed man and woman to ...
The world, especially western culture, is drowning in gender confusion. What is a REAL man or REAL woman? How would you teach that to a child or anyone searching for ...
Men and women are obviously different, which is part of the reason they disagree about getting relationship help. Not knowing the foundation for or why the following seven items are ...
The real love of a husband to his wife has seven different dimensions. Unfortunately, any husband who says that he loves his wife probably doesn't based on what God says ...
Loving husbands are a rare breed because it requires 7 dimensions of love (Ephesians 5:25-33). All 7 dimensions are only possible with the work of the Holy Spirit in his ...
Titus 2 verses 1-2 and 6-8 clearly tell us about REAL Men. Those verses tell us that REAL men are WIMPS because they Walk In Mercy and Power Selflessly (W.I.M.P.S.).REAL ...
Do you want to enhance your relationship? Consider some books for couples to read together; it is much less expensive than counseling. Hopefully, you desire deep love and companionship with ...
Real men are respectable. Men, what in your life demonstrates respectability? Are you a person of dignity due to your character? If true, you want what is noble, morally valuable, ...
REAL men practice patience primarily because they are sound in love. Their love is unconditional, sacrificial, sanctifying/purifying, nourishing, cherishing, singular, and visionary. Those items may be too abstract, so here ...
Real men practice real love instead of the fake variety that the world and Satan want you to believe and practice. The fake love is what creates confused thinking that ...