Men and women are equal in value but different in their designs and roles. When you don't understand that reality, your relationships struggle. God has designed man and woman to ...
"Where you look, you tend to go." That's what happens with your judgment and your design. Unfortunately, the sin nature gets you to live your life in the judgments instead ...
Are you listening to God or someone other than God? It is the fundamental question or choice for life—"Am I trusting God or something or someone other than God?" ...
Man's judgment is so powerful because significance is essential for men. His testosterone-based design drives him to be significant, especially in his relationship with a woman. He tries to get ...
The judgment on women is not some abstract theory. As stated last week, it is REALITY. A woman wants to have fulfilling relationships with her children and husband, but with ...
As some have asked, "Can I have it all and Jesus too?" The answer to that question depends on how you define "all"? Does it mean having the lifestyle of ...
God's Word clearly esteems mothers and women who focus their attention on the home. This does not mean that a women who works outside the is displeasing God. The issue ...
This is the same thing God desires of older men. Why does God want this from the older believers (in age or spiritual maturity)? Because it is linked to verse ...
The power of a REAL woman is significant, but that power does not come from being beautiful and sexy, it comes from helping. The world wants women to focus on ...
Real women are rare and do not accept the world's messages to them. Powerful is a key message and is displayed in two forms—1) Powerful and Sexy or 2) Powerful, ...