The DICTATOR relationship mistake is "trying to change another person." All four relationship mistakes are about control - this one is definitely about control.It is like you see yourself as ...
The PROBLEM (making everything about ME - yourself) blossoms into at least 4 relationship destroying mistakes. Each mistake is a form of control that hurts the relationship. Mistake #3 is ...
God tells us that sin has clear consequences. And that is very true for unforgiveness. In fact, there are severe consequences for unforgiveness. So, if you are thinking clearly, please ...
Relationship mistake #2 is the VICTIM, where you live in the past and "Keep the Past in the Present." Even though the past is OVER, people become controlled by the ...
The desire to know when you don’t is powerful in all of us. It creates the foundation for opinion, and opinion can be dangerous. For example, Peter Scholtes provides some ...
The PROBLEM (making everything about ME - yourself) blossoms into at least 4 relationship destroying mistakes. Each mistake is a form of control that hurts the relationship. Mistake #1 is ...
Fear is powerful. But, it can be imaginary fear. Control people often can't see the difference. If you are a control person, please learn to ask, "Is my fear real ...
It is difficult to accept that the big PROBLEM for relationships, any relationship, is making everything about yourself. That goes against the way that human beings are wired - the ...
It is difficult to accept that the PROBLEM for any of your relationships is making everything about you. That goes against the way that human beings are wired - the ...
Too many people experience holiday stress instead of holiday joy. The stress is from unresolved issues that arrive with the family members. Hopefully, gathering for the holidays is a wonderful, ...