Want to be Transformed?

If you want to be transformed into the image of Christ, then follow the eight steps to transformation that you see in 2 Peter chapter 1. What follows those eight steps is exhilarating and convicting because there are three promises and a warning. The warning is a great daily reminder for all believers.

2 Peter 1: 8-11 - For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Promise 1 – Not barren or unfruitful (v8) 

God promises that when you want to be transformed and do the steps, you will not be barren or unfruitful in the most critical knowledge you could ever need – knowledge of Jesus Christ. The more you follow what the Apostle Peter says, the more you know about the virtues of Jesus Christ, which provides the ability to understand how life works.

This means you see the fruit of the promises Peter states earlier in verses 2 through 4. You are becoming more like Christ as you take these steps and, therefore, experience the exceedingly precious promises, participate in the divine nature, and escape the corruption in this world.

Your flesh does not care about those things, but your eternal reign with Christ is. These steps impact your eternity, not whether your adoption into God's family, but how you will reign with Him. This is a great start for the three promises and one warning.

Warning – Blind and forgetful of His forgiveness (v9) 

But, if you do not do these steps, there is a warning. You are blind and have a bad memory of what Jesus did for you, providing you with the precious gift of life. Jesus gave you with a new life. He forgave your sins and made you a full privilege child in His family. Blindness and not seeing clearly occur when you focus on temporal, not eternal, things. When you read God’s Word and reflect on how REAL eternity is, then you are more thankful for the amazing gift have from God.

What a horrendous thought that we forget the gift of life God gave us through the death of Jesus Christ. You might say you have not forgotten, but your actions are the real story. If you do not follow the eight steps for transformation, you will probably forget.

Since there are three promises and one warning, is it best to pay attention to the warning or the promises? Something to think about.

Promise 2 – You will not stumble (v10) 

Before Peter tells you the next promise, he emphasizes your responsibility, just like in verse 5 before telling you the eight steps. Be diligent; be as drastic as necessary to do the things God desires because that means you are acting like a child of THE King. You are His child; now be diligent to live like that.

But the reason to do this is not just because you are a child of THE King, but this fantastic promise that you will not stumble. Doing these steps prevent stumbling. Wow! When you diligently apply the steps from faith to love for each virtue God desires in your life, you understand life and Godliness that keeps you from falling into the traps Satan puts in your path. You stand in the knowledge and strength of Jesus, sure of your eternal and temporal salvation! 

Promise 3 – An abundant entrance into the Kingdom (v11) 

Not only does God prevent you from stumbling, but applying the steps means an abundant entrance into the Kingdom. In verse 5, the same word is used. Remember the word that referred to the person who lavishly supplied the Greek chorus with everything to put on the Greek plays? Now, God tells you He lavishly supplies you with an entrance into His Kingdom when you live your life using these steps.

The difference in the entrance to the kingdom is like my arrival at the airport in my hometown of Midland, Texas, compared to the arrival of the President of the United States in Midland. When I get off the plane, no crowd welcomes me. But, if the President comes, there are dignitaries, bands, and everything else letting him know Midland welcomes him.

Will your arrival be “Come on in?” Hopefully, it will be “WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, it is so great to have you here!” Maybe the three promises and one warning will make the difference to be that good and faithful servant!


entrance to heaven, forgotten you have been forgiven, make your calling sure, TV0075, will be fruitful, will not stumble

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