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When we look at before and after the fall of Adam and Eve, it starkly contrasts what sin did to Adam and Eve, in other words, us! Everyone and God’s creation has been affected by the original sin of Adam and Eve. The beautiful paradise of the Garden of Eden is no longer available, but now, …
Adam’s role in the original sin in the Garden of Eden is downplayed as if he were an innocent bystander. Let’s see if that fits God’s Word. Unfortunately, Eve gets most of the blame, but Adam is more at fault. The PROBLEM came from the original sin in the Garden of Eden. Four beings were eyewitnesses …
Eve’s role in the original sin in the Garden of Eden is well known. Unfortunately, Eve gets most of the blame, but Adam is more at fault. The PROBLEM came from the original sin in the Garden of Eden. Four beings were eyewitnesses to that original sin – The serpent (Satan), Eve, Adam, and God. Eve’s …
Let’s examine the context and Satan’s role in the original sin. The PROBLEM came from the original sin in the Garden of Eden. Four beings were eyewitnesses to that original sin – The serpent (Satan), Eve, Adam, and God. When you look at what each of those beings DID and DID NOT do, it has excellent …
Everyone needs to understand the PROBLEM and 4 relationship destroying mistakes. Remember, the PROBLEM is making everything about ME (yourself). Since we have different strengths and development, the problem blossoms into your way of making everything about ME. There are at least 4 relationship destroying mistakes. Each mistake is a form of control that hurts your …
The DICTATOR relationship mistake is “trying to change another person.” All four relationship mistakes are about control – this one is definitely about control. It is like you see yourself as the Jr. Holy Spirit trying to tell everyone what to do. You are the one that knows what is best for everyone else. While you …
The Actor relationship mistake is part of all of our relationships at times. It is one of the relationship destroying mistakes that blossoms from the PROBLEM (making everything about ME – yourself). Each mistake is a form of control that hurts the relationship. The actor relationship mistake is where you “Wear a mask,” which is worn …
Relationship mistake #2 is the VICTIM, where you live in the past and “Keep the Past in the Present.” Even though the past is OVER, people become controlled by the past, because they keep dragging what has been done to them or they did to others, into today – the present. The PROBLEM (making everything about …