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It is difficult to accept that the big PROBLEM for relationships, any relationship, is making everything about yourself. That goes against the way that human beings are wired – the other person needs to change in order for me to be happy. Unfortunately, we are blind to how often we make life about “ME!” You may …
Reacting and responding to life, circumstances, and people means being controlled, not choosing. Relationships require choices, not reactions. Think about a time someone complained to you. Maybe it was about being overworked and underpaid. Or it was about a friend who was mistreating them. Whatever their complaint, they are upset and want it fixed. As you listened, …
There are some simple options for better thinking, and the simplest tool is to “Slow your emotions down.” That only requires counting to 10, taking 3 deep breaths, or calling a timeout. That tool was probably taught to you as a child and has been proven with medical research on the brain. Another great tool …
A simple, common pattern of life change occurs multiple times in our lives. Unfortunately, each occurrence may not turn out well. Once you know that your thinking drives your actions and emotions, it helps to have tools that help you think differently.The Pattern’s ElementsThe common pattern has three simple statements. “I was living this way. Then one …
Feelings and actions can influence each other in both directions. In fact, actions and feelings are connected in both directions. That allows you to use some tools to help you first think about how to act, which can change your emotions. So, again, your feelings have a connection to your thinking and actions. Since feelings are …
Feelings are assumed to be unlinked from anything else. For example, “I fell in love” presumes that love happens to you and, therefore, it is uncertain whether I will “fall out of love” as time passes. Actually, your feelings are controllable and you will see some simple examples to show why.
…If you want to be transformed into the image of Christ, then follow the eight steps to transformation that you see in 2 Peter chapter 1. What follows those eight steps is exhilarating and convicting because there are three promises and a warning. The warning is a great daily reminder for all believers.2 Peter 1: …
There are eight steps in 2 Peter 1:5-7 that you can follow to look more like Christ. The last step of your transformation requires love. That makes sense because Christ has demonstrated His love for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. Are we going to learn to love as He does?You have heard and …