I believe the unifying theory of life is understanding the image of God and how it applies to all aspects of life, especially relationships. When you think about God and ...
Conflict resolution may not be fun, but when you use some good tools, you can remove much of the emotions out of the process. Resolving differences too often turns into ...
Based on some great research by Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann, there are 5 conflict styles that people use. And, as you have developed through your life, you learn to ...
What do you think about when you hear the word "conflict?" Most people would list words like fight, anger, war, bad feelings, strife, etc. Conflict is most often thought of ...
The best way to start resolving a conflict is to get your thinking changed. While we do not provide you the entire Conflict RESOLVED workshop, we do provide you the ...
Emotions are often untrustworthy and always responders. When you want someone to validate your emotions, it can be very unproductive because it does not get to the root issue: your ...
Dr. Marlin Howe used submarines and destroyers as a great way to explain dominant and manipulative behavior. Submarines are difficult to detect, stealthy, under the surface. Destroyers are easy to ...
There are four must have relationship tools that help relationships be great; feelings, freedom, forgiveness, and confession. You know the PROBLEM - making everything about ME, and the SOLUTION - ...
How do you deal with those past sins, mistakes, blunders, or even embarrassing moments? It is amazing how powerful those past situations can be when they are resurrected in your ...
Tolerance and Love aren't the same thing, but people act like they are. People use tolerance as a weapon against truth and boundaries. There is a blatant effort to use ...