How is it possible that what attracts you to someone could actually become a big problem later in the same relationship? All couples are faced with this issue, so listen ...

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Whenever I hear someone say some version of "they are falling in love," it not only tells me they do not understand love, but also they are unlikely to know ...

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When you have difficulties in a relationship, it is easy to wonder how long it will be a problem. Worse yet, when one person is unwilling to make changes to ...

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If you want to see a transformation in your life, the Lord has graciously provided you all the steps to do just that. If you want coach someone to make ...

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God designed man and woman for the perfect complimentary relationship. He designed them in His image, which becomes even more interesting when you look at the Hebrew words for man ...

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In the previous episode, you heard about truth and love, separate and belonging, and powerful and relational. Each of those combinations of words are an excellent way to think about ...

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I believe the unifying theory of life is understanding the image of God and how it applies to all aspects of life, especially relationships. When you think about God and ...

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Conflict resolution may not be fun, but when you use some good tools, you can remove much of the emotions out of the process. Resolving differences too often turns into ...

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Based on some great research by Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann, there are 5 conflict styles that people use. And, as you have developed through your life, you learn to ...

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What do you think about when you hear the word "conflict?" Most people would list words like fight, anger, war, bad feelings, strife, etc. Conflict is most often thought of ...

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