Grand Opening
Courses Are 100% FREE
…and you can PAY IT FORWARD
It’s Happening! RIGHT NOW! And, we have new changes coming!
You might be asking, “Why the changes?” (or maybe not, but humor us so we can explain our craziness!)
We want to reach A MILLION people with the GR8 Relationships message.
Starting TODAY, you can view our new fresh look (ok, except for the videos…Hermann still has a suit on!!) and beautiful new course pages.
Best of all, we have one more change that, well, changes everything.
We are offering all our courses, videos, and articles for FREE! Yes….you read that correctly. No more subscriptions, no more price per course.
Are you asking “Why?” again…we hope so! It just goes back to…we want to reach a MILLION people this next year so they can experience Freedom in their Relationships.
We don’t know a million people! Chances are you don’t either. But together, we do! We can’t reach this many people alone. But if everyone on our email list reaches out to their friends and family, we can!
Will you help us?
There are several ways you can help us to reach a million people.
First, take a look around at the website. I think you will like what you see. Please let us know if you do (ok, you can let us know if you don’t either…our feelings won’t be hurt too much!).
Then, if you will, Tell your friends! Shout it out on your social media platform. Please text or email your friends and ask them to take a look.
Lastly, we have developed a Pay It Forward model. You can click the Pay It Forward buttons on the website and check that out.
And keep watching and reading our emails. We have more fun things coming soon. (hint: a book series this fall!)
GR8 Relationships is exempt from Federal Income Tax as a non-profit entity under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We have not provided you with any goods or services in exchange for this contribution. Please keep this as part of your records. This is an important record for any available federal income tax deduction of this contribution. We have provided you with intangible religious benefits only, and as appropriate to the tenant of our faith and practice, only incidental tangible benefits. Tax I.D. # 91-1409522