REAL Men Practice Patience

REAL men practice patience primarily because they are sound in love. Their love is unconditional, sacrificial, sanctifying/purifying, nourishing, cherishing, singular, and visionary. Those items may be too abstract, so here are 5 practical ways a REAL man can develop a sound love for his wife.

Additionally, REAL men are sound in patience or have “enduring perseverance.” That is a grace which especially becomes older men. A sad sight is the “grumpy old man” or woman. That grumpiness is a direct reflection of a lack of self‐governance to move away from the continual flashing ME.

God pursues your best when He allows trials into your life. That gives you an opportunity to continue to learn that flashing your ME is toxic to relationships. That learning becomes patience which is like the ripened fruit of experience derived from trials overcome (Romans 5:3). Endurance in the latter years is so important because it is easy just to rest or retire. But that’s the world’s way, not God’s.


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