Before and After the Fall – The PROBLEM Started in the Garden

When we look at before and after the fall of Adam and Eve, it starkly contrasts what sin did to Adam and Eve, in other words, us! 

Everyone and God's creation has been affected by the original sin of Adam and Eve. The beautiful paradise of the Garden of Eden is no longer available, but now, the gates to heaven are open through the gracious gift of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

When comparing before and after the fall, we can see the original sin has left us in a dramatically different life from what God created for us. We are not only broken people with flawed thinking without Jesus, but the earth particularly, and the whole of God's creation is no longer as God created it. 

It is a clear and constant reminder of how much everyone and everything needs Jesus and His return.

Before and After the Fall

Before and After the Fall

Jesus is THE answer to everything in the AFTER column above. 

God's Word and Spirit give us the energy and knowledge to live in the BEFORE list more than the AFTER. Every item on the BEFORE list is available except “Partnership with Earth,” which awaits Christ's return. The earth still groans under the weight of sin (Romans 8:20-22)


effects of sin, how sin impacts our life, relationship with God changed, TV0015, what changed because of sin

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