Ever wondered what marriage was like when Paul wrote the classic letter to the Ephesian believers? How did "wives, submit to your own husband" and "husbands, love your wives, just ...
When families get together, all of the family history arrives. That can be good or bad. It is almost always difficult for those families when problems have not been resolved. ...
REAL men are Godly examples practicing sound doctrine and sound speech. You can find these excellent attributes in Titus 2:1-8.REAL Men Are Godly ExamplesAddressing Titus as a younger man, Paul ...
When looking at the basics of God's Word, God outlines two choices for everyone. That means He says there are only two ways to live! Either you pursue a life that ...
You might say, “God doesn’t provide details in His Word about the specific actions in my life, so how can I know if an action pleases God?” Or a similar ...