If someone asks, "Do you love me?" Are they asking if you are "falling in love" with them or "falling out of love" with them?The term "falling in love" probably ...
Difficult conversations work best using the structure provided in God's Word. It may change someone's life. More importantly, you are doing the right thing. If you prefer video instead of ...
It's unfair that they are making demands and not considering how much they need to change, too—right? Worse yet, what if they never change? You may point that out to ...
The freedom road is the same but different for men and women. What? It is the same road, but the designs of men and women make a difference. Understanding the ...
Most people look for vengeance rather than forgiveness. When you understand that forgiveness frees you from pain, you pay more attention. Those past actions control your thoughts daily if you ...
Love solves THE PROBLEM in any relationship. Unfortunately, agreeing with that statement without understanding what I said is easy. Most often, people think the solution for a relationship is when the ...
Love is THE solution to all relationship problems. In fact, love will solve THE PROBLEM for all relationships. And, if you read or watch any of the GR8 Relationships material, ...
Great relationships are probable when both parties have a similar, trustworthy, and valid definition of a great relationship. They must also consistently practice this definition. Robert Fritz states that the math ...
Here is a difficult question for men: How is a husband to submit to his wife? Too many Christian men might say, “Huh? She’s supposed to submit to me!”And, they ...
The list of the remaining five items (11-15)describing love (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) is positively framed and can be listed under kind. You can work on any of these and become kinder ...