When the word “authority” is used, it can mean… Demand justification or evidence State that a person has expert abilities and knowledge Demonstrate power to decide Grant freedom for others to act Even though each ...
Submission is a challenging topic especially for submission in difficult situations. There are many issues and questions for submission. The primary passage is 1 Peter 3, which is used to ...
Great relationships are probable when both parties have a similar, trustworthy, and valid definition of a great relationship. They must also consistently practice this definition. Robert Fritz states that the math ...
Here is a difficult question for men: How is a husband to submit to his wife? Too many Christian men might say, “Huh? She’s supposed to submit to me!”And, they ...
Can submission be understood using the image of God? Yes, submission is about order and harmony, which fits our view of the image of God. As you may remember, we ...
Responsible freedom knows others have their own choices. So, you limit your freedom because love pursues the best for others. Each time you sacrifice some of your time, money, or ...
Women are an absolutely stunning creation and blessing from God. I can identify with Adam's pleasure when he first saw Eve. That is a common feeling when I look at ...
Most people would state that order and harmony would be good for a relationship. We believe that! Order and harmony will be part of any great relationship. But, how to ...
If you numbered the items in the 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 list, items 3 - 10 could be placed under long-suffering or patient. Each is negatively stated and uses "does not" ...
The common pattern everyone experiences has three simple steps and it sounds like this: “I was living this way. Then one day THIS happened. Now I live my life differently.” ...