The eight steps to transformation are followed by three promises and one warning. The one warning is a great daily reminder for all believers.Promise 1 – Not barren or unfruitful ...
There are eight steps in 2 Peter 1:5-7 that you can follow to look more like Christ. The last step of your transformation requires love. That makes sense because Christ ...
Holiday stressing? If so, you can use some guidelines for challenging conversations. This can help get relationships back on track. Holidays are expected to bring joy and peace, but they ...
Too many people experience holiday stress instead of holiday joy. The stress is from unresolved issues that arrive with the family members. Hopefully, gathering for the holidays is a wonderful, ...
Your transformation starts with faith. The transformation process will not work unless the life of Christ is in you and you do what God asks. Because God is so gracious, ...
Do you believe that people are free to act however they want? You will not answer that question correctly unless you understand freedom. Hopefully, as you learn the material in GR8 Relationships, ...
Leadership is not about you! Leadership is about serving. Godly authority serves people, not as a slave but with a desire to help them grow and develop.God asks leaders to ...
Love solves THE PROBLEM in any relationship. Unfortunately, agreeing with that statement without understanding what I said is easy. Most often, people think the solution for a relationship is when the ...
Authority is most often not used correctly. Godly authority is gentle, as you can see in the following the meekness and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you—I, Paul, ...
Love is THE solution to all relationship problems. In fact, love will solve THE PROBLEM for all relationships. And, if you read or watch any of the GR8 Relationships material, ...