There are significant differences between men and women, and those differences are often funny if you do not take it personally. For instance, in one cartoon, a man and woman ...
Leadership may not be that interesting to you right now, but remember, everyone leads in some area of their life. Since that is true, consider how to apply these promises ...
There is a POWERFUL (Separate) element, but the power is not from us, it is from God. He is the authority and He uses leaders as a channel of His ...
Leadership is not what you might think it is. Most people have the stereo-type of leaders needing to be "large and in charge". While some good leaders are that way, ...
Culture is against REAL men and women. Much of the world, especially Western culture, is drowning in male and female confusion. What is a REAL man or REAL woman? How ...
When I talk to parents, one of my favorite scriptures to discuss is Ezekiel 18. It's so good because the proverb starts with a statement about sour grapes. Since I talk ...