One of my favorite scriptures to discuss with parents is Ezekiel 18. It is so good because the proverb is about personal responsibility. Since I talk about it so often ...
Difficult conversations work best using the structure provided in God's Word. It may change someone's life. More importantly, you are doing the right thing. If you prefer video instead of ...
Responsible freedom is what people with great values pursue. And there is a direct relationship between responsible freedom and self-governance.Our Freedom V tool helps explain freedom, self-governance, rules or boundaries, ...
You can change an obligation to a choice. Any event in life can become tiresome or a burden if you do not think clearly. Consider an athlete in training or a ...
Do you believe that people are free to act however they want? You will not answer that question correctly unless you understand freedom. Hopefully, as you learn the material in GR8 Relationships, ...
Leadership is not about you! Leadership is about serving. Godly authority serves people, not as a slave but with a desire to help them grow and develop.God asks leaders to ...
Authority is most often not used correctly. Godly authority is gentle, as you can see in the following the meekness and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you—I, Paul, ...
Love is THE solution to all relationship problems. In fact, love will solve THE PROBLEM for all relationships. And, if you read or watch any of the GR8 Relationships material, ...
When the word “authority” is used, it can mean… Demand justification or evidence State that a person has expert abilities and knowledge Demonstrate power to decide Grant freedom for others to act Even though each ...
Here is a difficult question for men: How is a husband to submit to his wife? Too many Christian men might say, “Huh? She’s supposed to submit to me!”And, they ...