Even though the 1960's and 1970's may have coined the term "feminism", there is nothing new about it. And, even as Barbara Walters recently stated that feminism is an outdated ...
Your sin nature has a short time frame for satisfaction, so satisfaction is temporary. Much of the problem comes from the judgments on men and women. The primary desire of the ...
Man's judgment focuses his attention on work and activities, leading him to abdicate leadership in the home and try to control his work. Most of what we said about the ...
The woman's judgment drives her to misuse her God-given relational ability to meet her needs rather than the needs of others. God's design of women gave them a special ability ...
Marriage failures are part of the many difficulties the judgments on men and women create for relationships and marriage. When you understand the vast impact of the judgments, you begin ...
The judgment for man was very different than the one for woman. As you start learning about it, you will begin to see why it is so different. You will ...
The judgment on woman has a specific theme and pain that is created for her, because of Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden. And, man is a part of ...
The painful problem for men is primarily unknown. It is not a secret or hidden, but men and women don't know about it. It is part of God's curses or judgments ...
The painful problem for women is primarily unknown. This problem for women isn't a secret, and it's not hidden, but men and women don't know about it. It is part ...
The men's and women's judgments provide fuel for your "Flashing ME" moments. For the woman, her design is all about relating and now her judgment makes her closest relationships with ...