When you do not like a person's behavior, you can be controlled, controlling, or concerned about them and their behavior. Since they are free to sin, do you ignore it ...
Without understanding freedom and control, relationships become intolerable. Freedom is tricky, especially in how it works in relationships. Without freedom in a relationship, you will never know if someone is ...
Freedom is one of the highest and dearest principles for relationships. It is synonymous with, if not the same as, grace. Yet, it is not the most important element for ...
Your freedom has two common obstacles that are often hard to see and understand. Both are part of everyday relationships.The first obstacle shows up when you turn good things into ...
If you are a control person, can you change? Yes! You can stop trying to get everyone to do life the way you want it. You can lighten your own ...
Control people are often “good people up to no good”. I could be the poster child for the control person disease. It created severe damage in all my relationships. Control ...
Now that you have reinforced your freedom, you have another, probably more difficult, question to answer. Do you accept freedom for others and God? Do you accept that people and ...
Whenever you feel obligated, you limit your choices. If you pay attention to what you say, you will start noticing your use of three words – should, ought, and must. ...
When responsible with your freedom, you see others as having their own choices. It does not mean you like or even put up with those choices, but you know the ...
As simple as it sounds, freedom used correctly is a radically different way to live. Unless you accept the reality of freedom and choice, you will usually react to and ...