When you operate with freedom toward others, you do not judge them. You can be disappointed with their behavior, but you recognize that any change they make will not last ...
While many control people are bad, my speculation is control people often have good intentions – they are usually GOOD PEOPLE UP TO NO GOOD.I am probably the poster child ...
When you want to be accepted by others you will be controlled by them. Now think about it, it’s their choice whether they will accept you—you must meet their standards ...
You eliminate freedom and choice when you turn good things into obligations. Almost everything in life can be a have to or want to. A past promise or a goal ...
God is THE model for freedom in relationships. He is entirely free of any control. So, it is accurate to state that freedom is divine. God is the only being ...
As with most of this relationship material, I represent the way to NOT be doing relationships. And, for this control people item, that's me! I speak control fluently and will ...
It's a very old problem, kids blaming their parents for how they turned out. And from the parents side, taking credit for the kids turning out well or feeling like ...
When you do not like a person's behavior, you can be controlled, controlling, or concerned about them and their behavior. Since they are free to sin, do you ignore it ...
Without understanding freedom and control, relationships become intolerable. Freedom is tricky, especially in how it works in relationships. Without freedom in a relationship, you will never know if someone is ...
Freedom is one of the highest and dearest principles for relationships. It is synonymous with, if not the same as, grace. Yet, it is not the most important element for ...