Responsible freedom knows others have their own choices. So, you limit your freedom because love pursues the best for others. Each time you sacrifice some of your time, money, or ...
Be careful, if you promote individual rights without humility and, especially without love. When you do, you encourage irresponsible freedom. Your “flashing ME” will always see your rights as more ...
When you think about yourself (thoughts about ME), you tend to be self-absorbed - and that is seldom something good for you. I speculate that 95% or more of the ...
Freedom is great! It is one of the highest and dearest principles for life and relationships. It is also similar to grace in some respects. Yet, it is not the ...
Some people aren't interested in getting to a solution or finding a way to get along - they say, "Just let me be mad!" Is that okay? Not if they ...
The Freedom V is an excellent tool and principle because it helps you grasp the relationship between freedom and self-governance. The Freedom V graphic is largely self-explanatory. The two most ...
The Antonov 225 is a very large airplane—350 tons and can carry 300 tons of cargo—but it flies! That must mean that gravity is not real OR there is a ...
Go back with me to the Garden of Eden. Remember when God told Adam that he was free to choose the fruit from all but one tree of the Garden. ...
Judging other people is so easy, isn't it? All it takes is to look around at all of the "other sinners" and start our judgmental engine. And, what is best ...
Do godly parents have godly children? It would help if you had a truth table to help you answer that question. The answer is significant for your freedom. While you ...