The image of God, hormones, and God's attributes don't seem to go together. But, there is a connection; the last two help us understand the first. Then God said, “Let us ...
Structure demands behavior from everyone in everything! The principle of structure is extremely powerful and impacts you physically and mentally. But what is structure? Don't worry, structure is very practical ...
God designed man and woman for the perfect complimentary relationship. He designed them in His image, which becomes even more interesting when you look at the Hebrew words for man ...
In the previous episode, you heard about truth and love, separate and belonging, and powerful and relational. Each of those combinations of words are an excellent way to think about ...
Loving husbands are a rare breed because it requires 7 dimensions of love (Ephesians 5:25-33). All 7 dimensions are only possible with the work of the Holy Spirit in his ...
REAL women believe God's Word as their foundation for everything in life. Remember that the Titus 2:1-8 passage is about sound doctrine. For women (and most likely men too), God ...
Titus 2 verses 1-2 and 6-8 clearly tell us about REAL Men. Those verses tell us that REAL men are WIMPS because they Walk In Mercy and Power Selflessly (W.I.M.P.S.).REAL ...
In Titus 2, you see God's desire for younger women or all women. He outlines that real younger women are loving, virtuous, and submissive. The world might agree with the ...
Real older women bless any community or organization when they live as God asks. That means they are teaching good things. The distinction between older and younger in Titus chapter ...
Do you want to enhance your relationship? Consider some books for couples to read together; it is much less expensive than counseling. Hopefully, you desire deep love and companionship with ...