Your relationships will be distorted and dysfunctional when the image of God is distorted. Men's testosterone puts a focus on power for men and women's estrogen-progesterone focus on relating. Of ...
Women are an absolutely stunning creation and blessing from God. I can identify with Adam's pleasure when he first saw Eve. That is a common feeling when I look at ...
Man is designed to WORK, but he needs a suitable companion, which is why God designed woman. And, despite many wedding ceremonies stating otherwise, It was God that told Adam ...
The world, especially western culture, is drowning in gender confusion. What is a REAL man or REAL woman? How would you teach that to a child or anyone searching for ...
Men and women are obviously different, which is part of the reason they disagree about getting relationship help. Not knowing the foundation for or why the following seven items are ...
The Proverbs 31 woman is considered an excellent example of a godly woman, wife, and mother. Some believe this was not a real woman. Whether real or not, the statements ...
Is the Image of God easily and simply stated as "Powerful and Relational?" If that theory has merit, it will be supported by God’s Word. That is the best source to ...
Stating we are god-like can be misleading. We are created in the image of God which is the foundation for men's and women's designs. When you see the image of God ...
The image of God, hormones, and God's attributes don't seem to go together. But, there is a connection; the last two help us understand the first. Then God said, “Let us ...
Structure demands behavior from everyone in everything! The principle of structure is extremely powerful and impacts you physically and mentally. But what is structure? Don't worry, structure is very practical ...