When you look at before and after the fall of Adam and Eve, it is a stark contrast to what sin did to Adam and Eve, in other words, us! Everyone ...
In the digital age, advice is readily available at our fingertips. From Reddit relationship advice threads to self-help books, there's no shortage of guidance on how to navigate our relationships. ...
Adam's role in the original sin in the Garden of Eden is downplayed as if he were an innocent bystander. Let's see if that fits God's Word. Unfortunately, Eve gets ...
Forgiveness is indeed a Divine action. That implies that unforgiveness and bitterness are from your sin nature and, ultimately, Satan. Forgiveness is one way you can be like God. Without ...
Eve's role in the original sin in the Garden of Eden is well known. Unfortunately, Eve gets most of the blame, but Adam is more at fault. The PROBLEM came from ...
Everyone controls in some way. Control issues are a way of life for us, and unfortunately, a controlling person does not believe they are controlling anyone.Controlling People QuotesThe Dictator's mantra ...
Let's examine the context and Satan's role in the original sin. The PROBLEM came from the original sin in the Garden of Eden.Four beings were eyewitnesses to that original sin ...
You distort reality with your assumptions, opinions, and guesses. Opinions hurt relationships because you guess what is happening rather than ask for facts. In fact, you create a story about ...
There is a built-in path of least resistance to behaving badly! In fact, mankind's pattern of behaving badly was well stated by Pascal.The doctrine of original sin seems an offense ...
There is nothing simple about a blended family structure or the effort that will be needed to make the structure work well. The very nature of blended families creates problems. ...