Relationship mistake #2 is the VICTIM, where you live in the past and "Keep the Past in the Present." Even though the past is OVER, people become controlled by the ...
Too many people experience holiday stress instead of holiday joy. The stress is from unresolved issues that arrive with the family members. Hopefully, gathering for the holidays is a wonderful, ...
Too many people experience holiday stress instead of holiday joy and peace. Unfortunately, it happens during a time that could be much better for everyone. Hopefully, gathering for the holidays ...
Go back with me to the Garden of Eden. Remember when God told Adam that he was free to choose the fruit from all but one tree of the Garden. ...
Before the age of 28, Deborah was divorced three times. She had no idea that failure can lead to success at that time. And, after her third divorce, for the next ...
Right now, someone you know may be doing something bad. There will be a consequence. What would you do when you learn about it? Would you try to change their ...
If you want to help someone forgive, use the "Can you - will you - when" technique. It establishes their ability to forgive, then whether they will forgive. It is ...
Even though the past is OVER, the conflict cycle remains active. In fact, it often helps you resurrect the past! You disagree, then think about past issues with this person ...
God tells us that sin has clear consequences. And that is very true for unforgiveness. In fact, there are severe consequences for unforgiveness. So, if you are thinking clearly, please ...