The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs (1648) is a must-read book. I find it from time to time on Amazon. One of the great benefits of the book ...
Your sin nature has a short time frame for satisfaction, so satisfaction is temporary. Much of the problem comes from the judgments on men and women. The primary desire of the ...
Love is unselfish and pursues the best for others, but that isn't what the world believes or wants. The exact opposite - self-love - is desired and promoted as what ...
Love is always kind and suffers long. So, those two terms are extremely important to understand. One way to see the difference between the two terms is that "suffering long" ...
If you want to see a transformation in your life, the Lord has graciously provided you all the steps to do just that. If you want coach someone to make ...
These 8 Daily Reminders have been great for me. I have them at the end of my daily prayer list. Each one reinforces key Biblical truths that are important to ...
The real love of a husband to his wife has seven different dimensions. Unfortunately, any husband who says that he loves his wife probably doesn't based on what God says ...
Based on some great research by Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann, there are 5 conflict styles that people use. And, as you have developed through your life, you learn to ...
What do you think about when you hear the word "conflict?" Most people would list words like fight, anger, war, bad feelings, strife, etc. Conflict is most often thought of ...
Emotions are often untrustworthy and always responders. When you want someone to validate your emotions, it can be very unproductive because it does not get to the root issue: your ...