The simplest tool is "Slow your emotions down." That only requires counting to 10, taking 3 deep breaths, or calling a timeout. That tool was probably taught to you as ...
A simple, common pattern of life change occurs multiple times in our lives. Unfortunately, each occurrence may not turn out well.Once you know that your thinking drives your actions and ...
Feelings and actions can influence each other in both directions. In fact, actions and feelings are connected in both directions. That allows you to use some tools to help you ...
Most people look for vengeance rather than forgiveness. When you understand that forgiveness frees you from pain, you pay more attention. Those past actions control your thoughts daily if you ...
The term "bar ditch" is generally known in rural areas in the south. The common explanation of "bar ditch" involves creating drainage for a rural road. Dirt was taken from ...
The eight steps to transformation are followed by three promises and one warning. The one warning is a great daily reminder for all believers.Promise 1 – Not barren or unfruitful ...
There are eight steps in 2 Peter 1:5-7 that you can follow to look more like Christ. The last step of your transformation requires love. That makes sense because Christ ...
Holiday stressing? If so, you can use some guidelines for challenging conversations. This can help get relationships back on track. Holidays are expected to bring joy and peace, but they ...
Too many people experience holiday stress instead of holiday joy. The stress is from unresolved issues that arrive with the family members. Hopefully, gathering for the holidays is a wonderful, ...