Do I HAVE TO obey God, or do I WANT TO? Some say that God did not give us the 10 Suggestions; He gave us the 10 Commandments. That is ...
What if they continue with their wrong values and destructive behavior? It is tough not to worry when you believe they will never change. So, you continue to worry and ...
You will spend energy trying to get someone to change and more energy when they do not change in the time frame you want or expect. It creates stress and ...
Control-oriented people are often “good people up to no good.” I could be the poster child for the control person disease. It created severe damage in all my relationships.Control Instead ...
Do you believe that people are free to act however they want? You will not answer that question correctly unless you understand freedom. Hopefully, as you learn the material in GR8 Relationships, ...
What if I am being abused? What if I am told to participate in something illegal? Is submission best when it results in me sinning? What if they are... (gambling, ...
Responsible freedom knows others have their own choices. So, you limit your freedom because love pursues the best for others. Each time you sacrifice some of your time, money, or ...
Be careful, if you promote individual rights without humility and, especially without love. When you do, you encourage irresponsible freedom. Your “flashing ME” will always see your rights as more ...
When you think about yourself (thoughts about ME), you tend to be self-absorbed - and that is seldom something good for you. I speculate that 95% or more of the ...
Freedom is great! It is one of the highest and dearest principles for life and relationships. It is also similar to grace in some respects. Yet, it is not the ...