The significance of forgiveness is underrated and underused. Very few actions can benefit a relationship more than forgiveness. In fact, based on God’s example with us and in His Word, ...
Sharing the truth with another person who needs to hear it is scary for most people. If you have a structure to follow, it will help immensely. The structure we ...
Based on some great research by Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann, there are 5 conflict styles that people use. And, as you have developed through your life, you learn to ...
There are 3 simple tools you can use to have better thinking. The first tool helps you when a situation stimulates your emotions in some way. For example, a near ...
What do you think about when you hear the word "conflict?" Most people would list words like fight, anger, war, bad feelings, strife, etc. Conflict is most often thought of ...
Good thinking helps us eliminate the bad part of a common pattern everyone experiences in life. This pattern occurs over and over with the outcome of each occurrence leading either ...
Good thinking helps you eliminate the bad part of a common pattern everyone experiences. All your changes follow the common pattern, even though it may be hard to believe right ...
Why are you afraid when watching a scary movie? When something scary happens on the screen, why do you jump? Is it because you are in danger? Of course not ...
Emotions are often untrustworthy and always responders. When you want someone to validate your emotions, it can be very unproductive because it does not get to the root issue: your ...
There are four must have relationship tools that help relationships be great; feelings, freedom, forgiveness, and confession. You know the PROBLEM - making everything about ME, and the SOLUTION - ...