Online Text for FM Translator Stations; Silent AM, FM, and LPFM Stations; or Stations not Broadcasting During All or Part of the Period During Which On-Air Announcements are Required. AM, FM, and LPFM stations that cannot broadcast an on-air announcement because they are off the air must post notice online on the station website, the licensee’s website, the licensee’s parent company’s website, or on a publicly accessible website that is locally targeted to the area served by the station. The notice shall be posted continuously for a period of 30 consecutive days, beginning no later than five (5) business days after release of FCC public notice that the renewal application has been accepted for filing. If the applicant is required to pay a third party (not affiliated with the applicant) to post online public notice, the public notice must be posted at least once a week (Monday through Friday) for four consecutive weeks, for a period of at least 24 consecutive hours for each posting, beginning no later than five business days after release of FCC public notice that the renewal application has been accepted. FM Translators, as noted above, also post online notice. The text of the online notice shall be as follows:
On 03/26/2021, Helping Others Prepare for Empowerment, licensee of KACD-LP, 94.1, Midland, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of its license. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit and search in the list of KACD-LP filed applications.
El 26/03/2021, Helping Others Prepare for Empowerment, licenciatario de KACD-LP, 94.1, Midland, presentó una solicitud ante la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones para la renovación de su licencia. Los miembros del público que deseen ver esta solicitud o obtener información sobre cómo presentar comentarios y peticiones en la solicitud pueden visitar y buscar en la lista de solicitudes presentadas por KACD-LP.