04B - The Unknown Judgment for Men
Divine Judgments
5 Lessons
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The judgment for men was very different than the one for women. As you start learning about it, you will begin to see why it is so different; it is aimed at his design (we cover that in the next course). You will see the theme of man's judgment and the pain he will feel because of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. While the judgments may not be actually unknown, they are mostly ignored. Every woman and man that has lived, is living, and will live - is subject to the judgments issued by God.
Understanding these judgments is like unlocking the secrets of what drives and motivates bad relationships and marriages. As you begin to grasp these all-compassing, profound judgments, you will see them operating in your life in a real way. Knowing the judgments is most of what you need to identify the difficulties and issues in relationships.
Again, remember the context. Adam and Eve sinned, God has issued a judgment on Satan and Eve, and now He turns to Adam. God does all things perfectly. So, the exact order in which He pronounces the judgments is important.
The first part of the man’s judgment can easily be distorted and has been by those with an agenda against women. It is not hard to imagine someone teaching that a husband does not need to listen to his wife. Of course, that is foolishness, quickly debunked by the verse itself and by the way God has called a man to love his wife (Ephesians 5:25-31).
You may have noticed a difference in the woman’s and man’s judgment. The woman was judged directly. Her very nature and being were judged. With the man, his nature and being were indirectly judged through the curse that God placed on the ground.
The earth that Adam was to “work” (tend and keep) will be hostile and no longer easily respond. The lack of response becomes “toil” for Adam. The word “toil” in Hebrew only occurs three times in the Bible. And it appears first in Genesis 3:16. It is the same word used for a woman's pain in childbirth.
Men, this judgment attacks you at your core. God designed you with a need to be significant, but the judgment works directly against that need. Its effect reinforces the reality that you were made from dust and will return to it. All the work you do will eventually need to be redone. The law of entropy prevails – remember entropy?
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