11A - Two Biggest Problems in Marriage





Broken Families

7 Lessons

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About 11A - Two Biggest Problems in Marriage

If you decided to list the potential problems marriages can experience, your list would likely be long. But research shows that money, sex, and children tend to be the most common. Those three create havoc for marriages because the PROBLEM - making everything about ME - is constantly displaying itself in each person in the family. That is why God's Word speaks so clearly about money and marriage.

There are some excellent external resources available to help with both.

11A - Two Biggest Problems in Marriage

3 Lessons


Money issues were 15% of what Christ talked about, are spiritual issues (like most problems), can devastate relationships, and touch the entire household.

Video lesson


You canโ€™t take it with you โ€“ but you can send it ahead. Put it into Godโ€™s hands, and it will be yours for eternity

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God prospers me not to raise my standard of living but to raise my standard of giving.

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4 Lessons


Satan first attacked marriage and relationships. As you see in earlier courses, sin occurred in the context of marriage done wrong. After sin entered the world, depravity became the standard when not following God's direction.

Video lesson


Research on pornography shows that a woman will not be attracted to the same type of pornography as a man.

Video lesson


The following are explicit prohibitions that God declares as sin. Remember, God has allowed Satan to rule the world, so any discussion or reference to these scriptures and prohibitions incites the wrath of those who do not accept God's Word.

Video lesson


Genograms can be a handy tool to understand your family system, and Dr. Joe Beam has helpful material about physical intimacy.

Video lesson
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