07B - The SOLUTION'S Ingredients
19 Lessons
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The SOLUTION is love - explicitly defined as a decision to pursue their BEST; patiently, kindly, sacrificially, and unconditionally. The first two ingredients (patiently, kindly) come from 1 Corinthians 13: 4, and the other two (sacrificially, unconditionally) are implied in the remaining 13 ingredients spoken of in the 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 passage. More importantly, the second pair (sacrificial, unconditional) are not only following the example of Jesus but they are clearly associated with the meaning of the Greek word "agape."
Some theologians think that the first two elements, suffering long and kindness, are the primary components of the passage. The following thirteen can be classified under one or the other.
The classic passage in the Bible describing love is 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. As with all verses in the Bible, looking at the context helps you understand the verses you are reading. So, review chapters 1 through 12 before looking at chapter 13. If you do not do that, the first three verses in chapter 13.
Patience is a great word, but the older term “longsuffering” or “suffering long” provides a clearer picture. “Patience” might bring to mind waiting calmly in a line or not responding when someone has been rude to you. Those are good things to do. As Winston Churchill says, “By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.”
The life of Christ and the energy of the Holy Spirit gives you the power to suffer long, to not give in to angry passions that focus on protecting yourself or getting your way rather than serving others. When you suffer long, you realize that God rewards you for waiting patiently for His timing.
Most people value kindness, but its application is often lacking. Whether it is just a word or a value is determined by the time you practice it. You may say you value fitness but never work out. That means it is a synthetic value, not real, just words.
Another word often combined with envy is jealousy. Both are part of a self-absorbed life, but the focus of the two words is quite different. Envy is focused on what others have, while jealousy is focused on keeping others away from what you see as yours. It would be like saying, “I want what you have, but you stay away from what I have.”
You probably have experienced a time when someone talks about how proficient they are but are not as accomplished as you in a particular activity. The natural tendency is to find an opening to describe your abilities, right? It is only fitting to let them know how they compare to you, right? Hopefully, that is not one of your common behaviors, but it will be when you follow your sin nature. Self-love, parading yourself, flashing your ME makes sure everyone else knows about ME!
A peacock is calling attention to itself, not because of its pride in its appearance; it is doing it because it is fulfilling God’s design. The same is true of the puffer fish and, to a degree, the hot air balloon. But when people are puffed up, that is NOT pretty!
Rude is demeaning, thoughtless, or beyond the boundary of decency. Most likely, that describes one or more of your actions in the last few days. And those are the things that Satan loves to remind you of, drag you down, and accuse you of being no different than the people of the world.
Love and selfishness are opposites, even enemies because they are representative of God and Satan. God is love, and Satan is about pride, self-absorption, and flashing ME. Satan continually seeks his way rather than depend on God.
The silliest things provoke people. Perhaps it was the gaggle of little girls who insist a boy is “bothering them” when all he did was grin mischievously at them. Or maybe the same boy gets mad when his favorite cap is snatched, chasing furiously after the cap-snatcher like a cat after a string.
This subject is both thinking no evil and not keeping a list of wrongs. Godly actions flow from a mind focused intently on the goodness of God. Sooner or later, your thoughts will show themselves in your actions, whether evil or good.
This is closely related to "thinks no evil" and could easily be accurate to state that love takes no pleasure in anything wrong. Love is not pleased when evil or pain comes to others, is not happy when others sin, and is not tolerant of any evil. It does not tolerate the lie that calls evil good or harmless and is not afraid of ridicule from standing for truth.
Love rejoices when truth prevails. It is not about being right and winning arguments because that is not love; that is flashing your ME. No, love rejoices in truth for its own sake!
Not only does God cover sin, but He also demonstrates patience. Both of those thoughts are part of “bearing all things.” Thank goodness that God loves like this! He hates sin but is patient as He sanctifies you. He is the example of how to relate to others. Love seeks to protect, focuses on the good, forgives wrongs, and works with people to help them overcome their faults. Love bears any difficulty willingly for the good of others and God’s glory.
The disease of doubt springs from fear. Faith in God is the antidote. And these do not only apply directly to your relationship with Christ but also to how you treat others. If you trust Him, you can know He will use it for good in His PERFECT way, whether people do good or bad. You need not be overwhelmed with pessimism and mistrust. Not that you must be gullible, either.
While similar to the previous element, it seems to express an even more significant challenge. Suppose there is evidence to doubt. That is where hope enters; hope for turning back to what is good and right. The facts have reduced or removed trust, but hope still lingers.
Nothing can deter love. Pain, suffering, loneliness, heartache, loss, and hatred are not strong enough to stop love. Love has no price tag. Nothing can compare to love because it will endure all and outlast all. It perseveres, holds fast, and stands firm in injury and unpleasant circumstances for the sake of others and God.
What a statement – love never fails! It is permanent and perpetual. No example, evidence, or fact shows love does not work. It not only works, but it is also eternal.
Most definitions of a great relationship require something from the other person. Both parties need to do what is right for the relationship to work, but you can only do something about your decisions and actions.
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